欢迎来到我们的中文事工网页。我们热衷于服事和关心来自所有种族的人。这个网页是给我们教会里讲中文的朋友们服务。如果您说中文, 我们有一系列的中文小组和网络资源。欢迎您参加中文小组,和浏览相应网络资源。希望这些可以帮助您与其他信徒一起在信仰之路上有更好的成长。 请您查看以下选项。
Welcome to our Chinese Ministry! This is a space to serve those who speak Mandarin in our community. If you are Mandarin speaking, we have a range of groups and resources in Mandarin that you can access to help support you as you grow deeper in your faith alongside other believers. Check out the options below:
For any question or to get in touch about joining these groups, please get in touch with our team:
Chinese Life & Study Groups
我们所有的查经学习,都是为了帮助您在信仰和圣经知识上,有更深的追求而设计的,同时也鼓励我们用圣经的话语来帮助和支持其他的信徒。 希望我们可以在神爱的大家庭里和其它的弟兄姐妹一起完成我们的信仰之旅。请参考以下的不同小组:
All of our Bible Studies and Prayer Groups are designed to help you grow in your faith and knowledge of scripture alongside the support of other believers. We were never meant to do our Christian journey alone. See the different groups below:
Extra Resources
我们推荐下面所列出的圣经应用程序-Bible,您可以随时随地通过手机轻松地查看圣经章节,并更多地阅读圣经。 您可以在 Google play 或 App Store 里下载这个Bible应用程序。
We recommend the Bible apps listed below as a way for you to engage reading scripture more at any time, any where from the easy access of your phone. You can download the apps on Google play or the App Store.
Mandarin Sermon Notes
如果您想获取一份我们主日讲道的中文版内容,您可以在这里与我们的团队联系 - 只需让他们将您添加到主日讲道的中文版数据库。数据库会把每周的主日讲道中文版内容发到你的邮箱哦!
If you'd like a copy of our Sunday sermon notes in Mandarin, get in touch with our team below, letting them know that you'd like to be added to the Mandarin Sermon Notes database and they will get a copy of our weekly sermon in Mandarin out to you each week prior to our service!