Your Generosity Makes A Difference
An attitude of generosity is an important part of being a Christian. It shows what’s in our hearts plus it enables Windsor Park to do everything it does. To read more about our understanding of generosity, click here to view our Giving brochure. You can click the 'GIVE' button to give online now or scroll down to see other ways to give.
Ways To Give
Windsor Park App
Download from the App Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android). At the bottom of the app, tap ‘Give.’
Automatic Payment
Download an automatic payment form below, complete it and take it to your bank.
Download FormEtfpos
Eftpos terminals are available at the Information Desk on a Sunday or at our Church office reception during the week. Paywave available.
Online Banking
You can make a bank transfer payment to our bank account: 02-0120-0110554-01 (BNZ, Browns Bay). Please reference your name if you'd like the contribution to go towards your charitable giving fund.
At Church
You can give via Eftpos, Paywave or Cash at Church (at the Information Desk in the Foyer), or at Reception (Monday - Friday, 9am - 1pm).
About Giving At Windsor Park
The Bible speaks a lot about money, suggesting that our worship of God is significantly evident through how we manage and steward the financial part of our lives. The Bible also provides guidance on how much we should give. 2 Corinthians 9:7 says, ‘Each person should give what they have decided in their heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.’ 1 Corinthians 16:2 also says, ‘On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with their income.’ These passages say that how much we give is something we should work out with God; generosity will be different for each person—we don’t pressure you for any specific amount and we don’t believe generosity has any specific formula. We do believe that our giving expresses our gratitude to God for the past, exposes our commitment to God in the present, and extends our faith in God for the future. We also support the central place that the local church holds in God’s plan for our world and suggest that support of His Church is something close to God’s heart for us.
The generosity of people associated with Windsor Park Baptist Church allows us to run many programmes and services—not just in Windsor Park, but also in the wider community. We also support people and projects around New Zealand and overseas who are involved in various missional activities. Our combined giving also enables us to employ staff, maintain our physical buildings, and fund our operational costs. Our combined generosity enables Windsor Park to be a wide church with an expansive reach into our community. If you believe in Windsor Park’s vision of building stronger communities by putting our faith into action, your support is highly worthwhile and appreciated no matter how much you give. Giving is faith in action. We are transparent with our finances and regularly report our financial position, including a full summary in our Annual Report.
There’s several ways that you can give to Windsor Park. Check them out in the icons section above.
Our pastors and leadership teams are not involved in any way with our giving records. We have careful processes in place to ensure that this information is confidential to our administration staff only (of course God is also in the know!). The only purpose this information is used for is to issue you with a Receipt for Charitable Giving on the 31st March each year so that you can claim 1/3rd of your giving as a rebate from the IRD.
If you have questions about giving at Windsor Park, please contact us at info@windsorpark.org.nz We’d love to talk more.
Give To A Specific Appeal
Beyond The Walls
A collective of purpose driven people & projects that we support beyond the walls of Windsor Park, seeking to bring the hope, joy and love of Jesus to their communities.
Find Out MoreEndowments
Honouring the past, acknowledging the present, securing the future. Windsor Park's Endowment Fund helps to ensure that our doors never close & supports the longevity and sustainability of our ministries.
Learn More