Lean In: Prayer
March 30 6:00 - 7:30 pm
Lean In is an interactive gathering that takes place on Sunday evenings at 6pm during the school term. We explore various topics, inviting guest speakers knowledgeable in that specific area to share, followed by a space of open conversation and questions. Everyone and anyone is welcome.
We invite a range of speakers to come and share at our gatherings, covering a variety of topics, where we are unafraid to ask the difficult questions or leave space for the mysterious.
We're a highly interactive space where we value your input, welcome different perspectives, and encourage conversation - breaking into small group discussions throughout the night.
We're open to people of all ages, creating an amazing opportunity to meet new people from all generations, strengthening relationships and soaking up new wisdom from shared life experience. We’re like one big homegroup!
If you've got any thoughts, feedback, queries or complaints, please reach out to our team via the form below: