YA Quiet Day
May 31 9:30 am - 3:30 pm
Young Adulthood is a wonderful stage of life, full of freedom, big decisions, milestones and transitions, let’s do it together and invite Jesus into every part of the journey!
Got questions? Check out some FAQs below or scroll all the way down to submit your own question using the feedback form.
In general we consider ‘young adults’ to be aged from 17 to mid-20s, but we want everyone to feel welcome and we recognise that young adulthood is a phase defined as much by life stage as chronological age.
Essentially we do life and faith, together, in a myriad of ways!
Absolutely! Young Adults Getaway (YAGA) has become a real highlight for our community. This is typically on the second to last weekend of February up in magical Mangawhai! Keep an eye on the events tab to see the details for our next camp.
Nope! Anyone and everyone is welcome. Come and see what YA/Christianity is all about, observe, ask any questions and decide for yourself if it’s something that you’d like to explore further. We simply ask that you come respectful of our perspective and faith, and our young people who are exploring their faith. If you would like to find out more about Christianity, we’d love for you to come along to one of our Alpha Courses and/or give you a free Bible to help you start your journey. Get in touch here to find out more: aidan.wivell@windsorpark.org.nz