Woven High Tea

July 7, 2024 2:30 pm  |  Windsor Park Baptist Church: Cafewindsor

Windsor Park Baptist Church, East Coast Road, Mairangi Bay, Auckland, New Zealand

Our Woven Events are a chance for women of all ages to get together in community.

Our next event coming up is our Woven High Tea. We invite you to join us on July 7th at 2:30pm in Cafewindsor. We welcome you to bring your own teacup or if you don’t have one we will provide one for you.

This event has a cost of $20pp you can pay at the event or make your payment to the WP Bank Account: 02 0120 0110554 01 with your NAME and WOVEN HT as reference.

Please register your spot below for catering purposes. We hope to see you there!

(contact communications@windsorpark.org.nz for any questions or concerns)