Welcome To Our Mairangi Bay Campus!
Located in Mairangi Bay on Auckland's North Shore, we gather for church every Sunday at 9am and 10.45am for worship and a message, with children's programmes available.
We're a larger church made up of a mix of people of all ages, stages, diversities and backgrounds, all with a love for Jesus and a desire to get to know Him more.
Find out more about what you can expect at our campus below, and let us know if you'd like to Plan A Visit, our team would love to help connect you in!
Service Times
Sundays at 9am or 10.45am550 East Coast Road Mairangi Bay, AucklandChildren's Ministries available for pre, primary and intermediates.
What To Expect
We have two services every Sunday morning at 9am and 10.45am.
Our services run for around an hour and fifteen minutes, give or take, and are made up of times of musical worship, prayer, a sermon (message) based on Scripture, and times of community notices/news.
On the first Sunday of every month we also invite our congregants (those who attend our services) to participate in communion together. This is where we consume some juice and bread/crackers as a symbolic reminder of what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross (sacrificing His life to clear us of our sins, giving us freedom and hope). You do not need to participate in this if you do not want to.
When you first arrive at our service you will be greeted by our Éngage Team who will welcome you to our service. Our Info Desk is located in the Foyer should you want to ask our team any questions or connect in further.
We start our service with our kids in the service with us for the first worship song or two – please sign them in/register your young person prior to our service. During the beginning of our service we pause for a couple of minutes as our young people head to their programs, and during this time we chat together with those around us, often inspired by a new question each week as a conversation starter. This is a highlight of our service as people love catching up, getting to know one another, and the buzz of the chatter is electric!
After our service you’re welcome to stick around in the cafe for complimentary tea and coffee, or you can purchase a barista made drink from the cafe.
On the fourth Sunday of every month we also host a Shared Morning Tea in between our services (10.15am – 10.45am) where you’re welcome to bring a plate of finger food along and enjoy some tasty treats & spending time in community together!
Our services are spaces for people of any age, stage or group, where everyone is welcome!
We have a community made up of a wide range of ethnicities and cultures, young and old, new to faith and those who have been in faith for decades.
We have teachers and businesses leaders, tradies and creatives, stay-at-home parents, students and retirees, and everyone in-between.
We don’t all share the same opinions, but our commonality is our belief in Jesus, our love for Him and our desire to build stronger communities by putting our faith into action.
Whatever you’re comfortable in! We have no formal dress code for church. Some people like to dress up in more formal attire (pants and shirts), and others prefer to wear jeans and a t-shirt. It’s totally up to you!
We kindly ask that you are mindful of our diversity and the different generations that attend our community – please don’t wear anything that could be deemed inappropriate or offensive to any group.
We strive to be a community that is welcoming, inclusive, kind, generous and willing to listen to each others differences.
We believe that we’re better together, where no perfect people are allowed (because let’s be real, no one here is perfect!). We do what we can do support, champion and journey alongside each other through all seasons of life.
We value connecting together beyond just a Sunday through our different groups and ministries. We all pitch in where we can do help share the love of Jesus with our community (whether this is volunteering on a Sunday in one of our church teams, cooking meals for those in need, etc.)
We’re passionate about seeing our next generation thrive in life and in their faith!
We have ministries and programs for pre-schoolers through to high schoolers to connect into each week.
At our 9am service we have pre, primary and intermediates programs available during our service where our young people will hear a teach (a message or story based on the Bible), participate in musical worship, connect in small groups (unpacking the teach of the day), and having a lot of fun too (there’s always epic games, crafts and activities for your young people to engage with!).
At our 10.45am service we only have a pre-school program available.
Please sign in or register your young people in the foyer prior to church so that they’re ready to go to their relevant program. This will only take a couple of minutes and ensures we have all of their important details (and yours) in case it’s needed. You can find our Kids and Intermediates teams by the TV/Welcome wall at the far end of our Foyer every Sunday from 8.30am.
Our high school youth group takes place on Wednesday nights at 7pm onsite at Windsor Park Baptist Church throughout each school term.
We have a sign in/registration form (done via QR code) for all youth attendees to complete on arrival, for health and safety purposes. This only takes a couple of minutes, and our leaders will be on hand to help out with this where needed!
All of our kids, intermediates and high school ministries run events and/or camps throughout the year for our young people to engage in too. Find out more about these ministries via the by clicking on the names below:
Across all of our kids, intermediates and youth programs we have leaders (interviewed, vetted & trained) that jouney alongside our young people. Please chat to our ministry leaders if you have any questions about this!
windsorKIDS (pre + primary school)
Tribe (intermediates)
Youth (high school)
Every Sunday we have an Engage Team rostered on to help you with any queries related to our church. This team wear white lanyards, so they’re easily identifiable. You can find them at any entrance or at the Info Desk. Should you have any questions or require any assistance, please say hello and let them point you in the right direction!
Should you want any prayer, our Prayer Team are available at the end of each service at the front of the Auditorium. This team wears red lanyards. They would love to spend some time in prayer with you!
Of course, if you can’t find anyone with any lanyards, please head to the Info Desk in the Foyer where our team would love to assist, or simply ask someone around you and they should hopefully be able to help connect you with someone who could help!
Most of our site is accessible for wheelchairs or prams.
Accessibility for Wheelchairs
We have accessible car parks available at the drop off zone by the Auditorium entrance and an accessible restroom (located next to our Pre-School Rooms). Most areas of our site are wheelchair friendly with ramps, flat, stable surfaces, wide entrances etc., however there is a small area of our site (being a renovated 1970’s Motel) that is unfortunately not accessible. These areas are not used on a Sunday (unless you need access to our outdoor pool for any outdoor baptisms). Should you need access to these areas of our site, please let our team know and we will work with you to get you there.
Accessibility for Prams, Change Tables, High Chairs
Our site is mostly accessible for prams, with plenty of ramps, stable surfaces and wide entrance ways. There is a small area of our site (being a 1970’s renovated motel) that is not pram friendly. Should you require access to these areas (that are rarely used for church services), please let our team know and we will work with you to get you comfortably to these spaces.
We have change tables available in the restrooms by the library end of our cafe, as well as a change table available in our pre-school room.
Should you require the use of a high-chair while enjoying our cafe facility, you can find them along the wall near the indoor play area.
If you come along to our site and notice an area where we could improve our accessibility, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at info@windsorpark.org.nz and we will do what we can to assist.
Nope – unless you’re under 18, in which case we do need your details as part of our health and safety requirements.
If you’re over 18 and you’d like to connect into our community and stay in the loop with what’s coming up, then we highly encourage you to sign up to be part of our database. You can do that at the Info Desk at church on a Sunday, or via our website here:
We’d love to help you connect into our community further! Simply fill out the I’m New form via the orange text below, let us know how you’d like to connect in, and our team will be in touch in the next couple of days.
Plan A Visit
We'd love to welcome you to our Mairangi Bay Campus! You're welcome to simply pop in any Sunday at 9am or 10.45am, or if you'd prefer to plan a visit and have one of our team meet you at the door and show you around, simply fill out the form below and we'll be in touch.
PS: we're unable to 'plan a visit' during our Summer Series (Dec 29 - Feb 9). During this time we only have one service at 9.30am. We'd still love to get to know you, so feel free to pop on in and introduce yourself at our Info Desk in the Church Foyer.