Te Wiki o te Reo MāoriAke Ake AkeA Forever Language
Te Wiki o te Reo Māori is an annual celebration for all New Zealanders to show their support for the Māori language, an official language of this country.
The theme for Te Wiki 2024 is ‘Ake ake ake – A Forever Language’. It represents the resilience, adaptability and endurance of our language. It also reflects the commitment New Zealanders have to embracing and learning te reo Māori long into the future.
Under enduring pressure te reo Māori has shown it will adapt and survive. It grows with our people, our culture and our environment.
Join us this Māori Language Week to uplift te reo Māori now and into the future!
Kia māhorahora te reo – let’s make it seen, let’s make it heard.
Māori Language Week Booklet
At Windsor we’re on a journey to learn te reo Māori as part of acknowledging it as an official language of Aotearoa New Zealand since 1987, embracing our culture and history. Did you know that the first sermon preached in Aotearoa New Zealand by Rev Samuel Marsden at Hohi (Oihi) Beach in the Bay of Islands on Christmas Day 1814 was simultaneously translated into te reo Māori by the Ngāpuhi leader, Ruatara, as few people could understand English. How amazing is that!
We're encouraging our Windsor community to embrace Te Wiki o te Reo Māori (Māori Language Week) by trying to use or learn some te reo this week. We're helping you out by providing five daily tasks to do or learn, from karakia's (prayers) to our pepeha (greeting), to understanding some basic language. Check out the digital booklet below: