About Us
We’re a family-friendly church based in Auckland, New Zealand, where everyone is welcome. We have two physical campuses located in Mairangi Bay on the North Shore, and Ostend on Waiheke Island, as well as an Online Campus that's accessible anywhere, at any time.
Find out more about our story, vision & values, beliefs and team below.
Our vision is to build stronger communities by putting our faith into action. We do this by doing life & faith together, acknowledging that no perfect people are allowed.
Our values are the cornerstones that define who we are, what we do and why we do it. Check out our values below (in no particular order):
We’re all about God as expressed through the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit – it’s not about us.
We believe that the Bible is the word of God whom Jesus speaks and acts. When God’s word is spoken, God speaks, and when God speaks, lives are changed.
Living things grow – we welcome all people to do life and faith, together, so that our roots continually grow deeper.
We’ll be relevant and creative in our time – we’re not scared to give things a go.
God is generous to us – we’ll be generous with our time, treasures & talents.
Our Story
Founded in 1951 by a small group of people in Outram Hall in Murrays Bay, Auckland, Windsor Park Baptist Church (originally known as Calvary Baptist Church) has always been deeply rooted in Christ, passionate about growing in our faith within community, intentionally innovative and incredibly generous, with a focus on building stronger communities, investing in our next generation, being the change the world needs, and sharing the love of Christ with others.
On our 70th anniversary we gathered together key leaders from across the 70 years of ministry to share the story of Windsor Park Baptist Church, and the growth of our three entities: Equip (mental health), the Windsor Park Hub Ltd (social enterprises) and the Windsor Park LifeCare Trust (holistic community care). It’s a story filled with obedience, bravery, heartbreak, answered prayers and unity, and a story that we’re incredibly proud to have as the foundation of who we are and where we’re headed. Check out our story to date:
Our Beliefs
At the core, we're a community of people who believe in God the Father, in His Son Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Spirit—one God; who are repentant of sin and have been saved by personal faith in Jesus Christ through His atoning death and resurrection; who publicly confess their faith and are committed to the Church’s aims and purposes.
- The true humanity and deity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- The person of the Holy Spirit as the one who sets apart, empowers, and imparts spiritual gifts to the Church.
- The inspiration of the Bible and its authority in all matters of faith and practice.
- Salvation and membership in the Christian Church by faith in Christ alone.
- The immersion of believers as the scriptural form of baptism.
The Ordinances (Practices) Of Our Church
- We participate in the believers’ baptism by immersion in water. This is one's way to publicly acknowledge Jesus Christ as their Lord & Saviour, and can be done as part of our services or outside of our services.
- We participate in communion (The Lord’s Supper) which is usually held on the 1st Sunday of each month and is open to all believers. This is where we invite people to consume some juice and bread/crackers as a symbolic reminder of what Christ did for us, sacrificing His life to atone for our sin, giving us freedom and hope in Him.
You can find out the full foundational beliefs of Windsor Park Baptist Church in our Constitution.
How We Operate
We're one of over 240 Baptist churches in Aotearoa that make up the Baptist Churches of New Zealand and are governed by a team of Elders who are elected at our AGM by our members.
While we acknowledge that Jesus is the head of the church, the Elders are the 'hands and feet' of Jesus and are responsible for the overall governance and spiritual oversight of all Windsor Park activities (much like how a Board of Trustees governs a school).
The Elders delegate 'on the ground' operations to our Lead Pastor, who leads and empowers a diverse staff team who, in turn, are empowered to recruit and equip teams of volunteers to undertake all the ministry functions of Windsor Park Baptist Church (Ephesians 4:12), which means that at our heart we're a grassroots-up organisation.

More Than Just A Church
At our heart, Windsor Park Baptist Church is a worshiping community, but we believe that being a church today means being active in the wider world. That’s why we’re involved in many initiatives 24/7 in a whole variety of ways. We are committed to putting our faith into action in our world through our Beyond The Walls ministries, as well as through the Windsor Park Group which operates in the areas of mental health (Equip), social enterprise (Windsor Park Hub Ltd), and community care (Windsor Park LifeCare Trust).
Equip is a leading mental health organisation who provide care, support, and education around mental health in the greater Auckland region.
Equip are intentional & passionate about caring for people by providing sustainable options for healthy living.
The Windsor Park Lifecare Trust weave care services around people in our community, supporting & helping them to grow holistically while on their journey towards health & wellness.
Through their myriad of services & support, people & families have opportunities to grow & set foundations for a healthy future.
The Windsor Park Hub Ltd is our entrepreneurial social enterprise that serves the community and marketplace with a christian worldview.
The hub develops and operates a range of sustainable businesses including childcare centres, funeral services and graphic design, that seek to achieve positive social outcomes.