Behold: School of Prayer

August 23 - 24  |  Windsor Park Baptist Church

We’re delighted to invite you to Behold: School of Prayer with Strahan Coleman. 

Strahan Coleman is the author of Beholding, an incredible book on prayer that teaches us to move our prayers from being a transactional experience with God, to a transformational friendship with Him. Using tools from his book, Strahan has created Behold: School of Prayer, a course designed to help you build a life of beholding prayer, fostering a life of communion. 

Through this two day course we will learn about beholding prayer, practice prayer, enter in discussions around prayer together, and have the space to ask questions. Details below:

Friday, August 23rd (7pm – 9pm) and Saturday, August 24th (9am – 3pm) in person only at Windsor Park Baptist Church. This course is for people aged 13+.  $35 per person, morning tea on Saturday provided. Please make your payment to the WP Bank Account: 02 0120 0110554 01 with your NAME and BEHOLD as reference. Register your spot below:

For more information contact