Mens Breakfast

September 21, 2024 8:30 - 10:30am  |  Windsor Park Baptist Church: cafewindsor

Windsor Park Baptist Church East Coast Road, Mairangi Bay, Auckland, New Zealand

We’re excited to invite men of all ages along to our next Men’s Breakfast on Saturday, September 21st at 8.30am!

Taking place in cafewindsor, gather along with your dad, grandad, son, brother, uncle, cousin, friend or colleague, and come together for an awesome morning of food and fellowship!

We’ll be serving up a delicious continental and cooked breakfast, and hear from David Mather, a retired District Court Judge and Parole Board Member, who will share his insights and experiences with us. Tickets are $20 each.

You can pay at the event or make your payment to the WP Bank Account: 02 0120 0110554 01 with your NAME and MENSBREAKFAST as reference. Please register your spot below for catering purposes. We hope to see you there!

Please contact for any questions or concerns.