YA Quiz Night
September 21, 2024 7:00 pm | Northcross Church
Hey young adults of Windsor Park Baptist Church, Orewa Community Church, Northcross Church, Shore Community Church, and Gracecity! We’ve got your Saturday night plans sussed!
Come along to our YA Quiz Night on Saturday, September 21st! This is your chance to impress your team with your smarts, make some new friends, and to have that moment of glory when you answer that one super obscure question (lifetime spent on YouTube and Wikipedia = vindicated!).
How will it work? Once you (or your team) register, you’ll be allocated into a team that consists of people from other churches. So, you can register by yourself… or you can register as a half-team of up to four people.
Food and drinks included in the registration fee.
WHO: 18 to 30 years old*
WHEN: 7pm, Saturday, September 21st
WHERE: Northcross Church (826a East Coast Rd)
COST: $10 per person
*of course, friends and partners outside of this age range are welcome!
HOW TO PAY: Please pay to Northcross Church (reference YAQuiz) at 03-0123-0042366-00
Registration close 11:59pm on Thursday, September 19th.