Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness week is an annual event in New Zealand promoting the understanding of, and resources for, mental health.

There’s no denying that the past few years have been challenging for Aotearoa, with extreme weather events, rising costs, and political divides affecting us all. The Mental Health Foundation recently commissioned research to understand how Cyclone Gabrielle and other recent weather events impacted people’s wellbeing. Over 1,500 New Zealanders from affected regions revealed a clear theme: community is the key to getting through tough times.

Community looks different for everyone — that's the beauty of it. It’s about connecting with others to create something together. This MHAW, we’re encouraging the people of Aotearoa to define, build, and celebrate their communities.

Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi.

With your food basket and mine, the people will flourish.

Here at Windsor Park Baptist Church one of our taglines is 'we're better, together'. It's something you'll hear our team say time and time again, and it's because we truly mean it. When we come together, good things happen.

This MHAW we're encouraging you to consider how you can be the community to those struggling with their mental health. Below is the MHAW booklet, filled with tips and ideas for each day of the week that you can live out or participate in to show support to our wider community. We've also linked our Care services, the resources available at Equip, and the MHAW resources for you to view and tap into.

Whether you're experiencing mental health struggles yourself, or you're supporting a loved one who is, please remember that you are not alone, there's a community of people ready to journey alongside you, offering support, providing services, and simply being a shoulder to cry on or a warm embrace. We're better, together!

Me mahi tahi tātou mō te oranga o te katoa.
“We should work together for the wellbeing of everyone”.